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Spanish police check


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Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me, I have done my acro police check for the UK but previously I was traveling around Spain 7 years previous to this, does anyone have any idea how I go about getting a Spanish police check, I know it's a long shot cheers

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This is taken from the DIBP website and may help you:


Street address




[h=6]Additional information[/h]Relevant document: ‘Certificado de Antecedentes Penales’.

Residents: Residents can apply in person for a certificate to the Ministerio de Justicia or Ministerio del Interior, in most provincial capitals in Spain.

Note: before applying for a certificate, please contact the Department office processing your visa application as the type of certificate required may have changed.

Provide: Form 80 and National Identity Document (DNI) or passport. Form 80 is available from the Department office or Departmentwebsite. Processing time: approximately three weeks.



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