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Can a PR application be lodged whilst in the UK


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Hi. I am currently working in Australia on a 457 (for nearly 3 years). I may need to go back to the UK for a year in a few months time. Is it possible to start a PR application (189) whilst I am here and continue it when back in the UK?

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Hi Gilesm89


Given you can apply for a 189 either onshore or offshore and you can change your residential address, then I don't see why not.


If you apply and gain PR whilst still in Australia, then since you have already been resident for three years, one year after gaining PR you would be able to go for citizenship. If you leave for a year and later return, you will have to be resident for 4 years again....

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Hi. I am currently working in Australia on a 457 (for nearly 3 years). I may need to go back to the UK for a year in a few months time. Is it possible to start a PR application (189) whilst I am here and continue it when back in the UK?


I'm sure that would be fine. But as migration regulations can be complicated it would probably be a good idea to check this with a MARA registered agent.


Hi Gilesm89


Given you can apply for a 189 either onshore or offshore and you can change your residential address, then I don't see why not.


If you apply and gain PR whilst still in Australia, then since you have already been resident for three years, one year after gaining PR you would be able to go for citizenship. If you leave for a year and later return, you will have to be resident for 4 years again....


The citizenship residency requirement only starts when a person first enters as a Permanent Resident, the years on a 457 would not be counted.

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