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Moving to Australia - Need suggestions


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Hi, I am a finance professional with over 8 years of experience in FP&A and General accounting domain. I am planning to migrate to either Australia or Canada and need your help to advise which country has good number of jobs for me. So that I don't need to spend 3-4 jobless months hunting for the job once I land there. Also, aprrox how much time it takes to get a finance job in Australia? Where will I be able to save more?..PS-My highest qualification is MBA (Finance).

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This forum is about Australia and I don't think many will have a view on Canada. Having said that, it was not that long ago when I know accountants would need a job offer in order to migrate to Canada, due to the over supply of accountants.


Australia also has an oversupply of accountants at the moment. You should expect to spend some time looking for work, if you land a role quicker then it is a bonus.

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