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Is a backlog for Accountants an each year phenomenon


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As everybody know there is a backlog this year (2015-16) for Accountants. Last years two rounds did not issue any invitation to 2211. Can anyone recall whether this backlog is a recurring issue? I mean was there a a backlog in 2014-15 which related to 2013-14.

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This has been a recurring issue and is likely to continue, however the ceiling was not reached for 2013-14 but it was close. It is possible that 2211 will be removed from the 2016-17 SOL based on this trend, as it has been flagged for removal for a few years and a lot of people are surprised it has survived this long.

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it is also worth pointing out that the current year occupational ceiling for accountants has been reduced to only 2525, last year it was over 5000 and they all went.


I expect they will either go quickly or need higher points to get them... However, who really knows the thought routine of the immi department :)

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