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WHV to OZ... cities, jobs, any recommendations?

Janban Lee

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Hello! I'm J from South Korea, I've been to almost 20+ countries in my life, but sadly I've never been to Oceania.

I'm 22, and still goes to college, but I don't really think I would have any opportunities to travel around Australia unless I get there with WHV visa of 1 year.



I was actually trying to find any other english-speaking countries where I can go WH, but OZ was the easiest, and the most interesting country to try. I've already been Canada or Britain, and it's monsterish hard to get a WHV to those countries from South Korea. (the application of KOMPASS of Canada WH closes in 7 mins w full of people applying for that!)



I'm thinking about going to OZ in December, 2015. If something happens with my school, I'll wait for Dec, 2016. (I haven't applied for the visa yet) I'm a city girl. I've never started a life in a small city nor a countryside. I've filled my weekends with going to forums and gigs since I was 15. I really want to experience Australian cities AND countrysides, and see how I can adapt through things. I also love beaches and marine sports, as I actually was born in a beach city. I wanted to get scuba diving license, see underwater, go to massive forests and outbacks. These are the things I can't experience from where I live--- Korean nature is filled with ugly tourists, and, the land itself is just sooo small.



I heard cities like Perth, Melbourne, and Sydney are nice place to live and work.

I'd like to go through Perth-Melbourne-Sydney trip in 1 year, including going to small cities and countrysides for farm jobs.(I know it's hard, but I also want to prepare a Second Visa if I can)

Is Australians and WH travelers do such thing? moving to other places every 3 months and get different jobs?

If anyone think that route is not good for me, or have any other recommendations, I would love to hear about it.



How's winter in OZ? Would there be NO JOBS in June to August?

I heard people don't really get hired in July, because of Tax jobs. Would I be OK to just get a job before or after July?

One of my friend who lives in Australia told me that wineries have huge job openings in September, which is for Dec~Feb. Is OZ filled with lots of short term jobs which I have to find out few months earlier? I don't really know which season comes with which jobs in OZ.(Oh, does winery jobs considered as farm jabs?)



Harsh answers are OK to be posted. I was grown in a super cynical and cold upbringing.

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You sound to me like you kind of have a clear idea of what you want :-).


I think, as with everywhere, there are as many jobs as you wish to find. Sure, they're hard to find sometimes, but if you put in the effort to find one and you're flexible, you'll get one.


I can't comment on the weather I'm afraid as I haven't been yet, maybe someone else will be able to.


If your country is eligible then you can complete 88 days rural work/farm work to get your second year WHV, just make sure you check the postcode and if they're eligible to sign you off. Yes you can work for different employers for a few months at a time. The maximum length you can work for one employer for on a WHV is 6 months.


I'm going to start in Sydney and see where my feet take me, but i know some people like to be more structured haha.


Hope this helps.

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Hi kayleigh. I hope everything works nice for you in Sydney.

When are you going to land in OZ? If you have any extra time, could you update what's it likes to be in OZ?

Thank you! :D



You sound to me like you kind of have a clear idea of what you want :-).


I think, as with everywhere, there are as many jobs as you wish to find. Sure, they're hard to find sometimes, but if you put in the effort to find one and you're flexible, you'll get one.


I can't comment on the weather I'm afraid as I haven't been yet, maybe someone else will be able to.


If your country is eligible then you can complete 88 days rural work/farm work to get your second year WHV, just make sure you check the postcode and if they're eligible to sign you off. Yes you can work for different employers for a few months at a time. The maximum length you can work for one employer for on a WHV is 6 months.


I'm going to start in Sydney and see where my feet take me, but i know some people like to be more structured haha.


Hope this helps.

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