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Children's health check


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We are about to get invited for the health checks on a 190 Visa application. We have a 6, 4 and a 2 y/o kids.

I was wondering what checks are kids going through? How long does it take? Is it difficult on them? What are they asked to do? Or what are they been questioned?


My kids don't like doctors and can be either shy or none cooperative - may not want to talk or cry when examined, will that issue a problem at the health checks?


Many thanks

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We took our two year old for his medical earlier this year and it was great - very quick, straightforward and the nurses made a fuss of him. The hardest part was having him sit still for a photo! After that they checked his height and weight and then we went in for a chat with the doctor about his general health then stripped down to his nappy for a check; mainly just visual but also his knee and hip joints. Also checked his eyes and ears. No wee sample required, thank goodness!

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My 5yo had his eyes checked, ears looked in, weight and height taken, wee sample, then stripped to pants and had all his bones moved and pulled around to make sure everything is ok


That was everything and took around 20min :)


Thank you!

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