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WHV Visa & accommodation advice


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Hi All,


My partner and I are have got our Working holiday visas approved, flights booked and saving hard for entry early March 2016.


Still have the obvious things to arrange Bank account, Insurance, Tax numbers etc. Which will be done between now and before we arrive. Any further advise would be appreciated.


The plan is to fly into Brisbane and work and travel around the Queensland area, with the possibility of applying for the second year visa after doing the relevant work.

We have got the option to rent a holiday apartment on our arrival from a family member back in the UK. For between one and three months. The property being in Chevron Island, Near Surfers paradise.

Me and my girlfriend cant decide weather to take up the option on the apartment and for how long. As not sure if it would be wise to tie ourselves down for a period of time, as may not be able to find work etc. The other half of us thinks it would be nice to be settled in one place.


Thanks in advance for your help and advise.

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Do you have the option of taking the holiday home later on in the year?

Personally I would land in Queensland, travel and work your away around. By doing this you will meet loads of people and have loads of fun. Once you have had enough of shitty fruit picking and you've done your 3 months for the second year visa then, I would think about taking up that holiday let. After being in the back packer scene for a abit, you will love the chance to get out of it for a while.

Hope that makes sense

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Apartment booked on arrival for 3 months. Just looking to set up a bank account and transfer money before arriving.

Personally i would try to sort out doing the regional work asap if you really want the second year visa. As once it's done and dusted it takes the pressure off.

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