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Can we apply subclass 461 and 189 together


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Hi All,


I am a wife of New Zealand citizen and my husband has recently moved to australia. So I am eligible to subclass 461. But this subclass 461 is a temporary visa for 5 Yrs .


I am also eligible for subclass 189 as I have almost 7 yrs of IT experience and Master's in computer application. But I haven't initiated the process yet and planning to prepare for IELTS.


Since subclass 189 can take more than 7-8 months and maybe more than that and as my husband is already in australia so I am planning to apply for subclass 461 and in the mean time I am planning to initiate the process for 189.


But I am not really sure if we can apply for 2 types of visa's at a time. I will really appreciate if someone can help me.

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Where will you be lodging the 461 application?

461 applications lodged in New Zealand are currently taking more than 6 months in many cases.

(Just something to be aware of because processing time appears to be an important factor for you in deciding what visa to apply for).

However it would still be longer of course for the 189 as you have not started the process yet and there is quite a bit to be done before you would be ready to lodge the 189 application.

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Thanks killara!!


I will be lodging it from Delhi, India . I am almost ready with most of my documents I am just waiting for my police clearance certificate as it will take another 20-25 days to get it. So I am not sure whether I should just apply for the visa with the other documents and submit police certificate later as and when it comes . Can you please suggest ?


Also, I was planning to take health insurance later as and when required . Would that be right thing to do ?


I am assuming that I should get 461 visa in 6-7 months.


For 189, I need to collect few documents from my prev companies so its a long process .



Where will you be lodging the 461 application?

461 applications lodged in New Zealand are currently taking more than 6 months in many cases.

(Just something to be aware of because processing time appears to be an important factor for you in deciding what visa to apply for).

However it would still be longer of course for the 189 as you have not started the process yet and there is quite a bit to be done before you would be ready to lodge the 189 application.

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