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UK companies,mortgage advice...and everything else


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Hi everyone,


l have been stalking this website for around 3 months now. We are at a very early stage of the process for 189 visa (IELTS R:8 W:8 L8 S:9) Skills assessment being submitted via agent next week ). I've got so many questions, so be prepared, I might just get in your nerves.


So the plan is ...

To leave my two businesses to run under management in the UK. ( the idea of which freaks me out ever so slightly) Taking dividends around £70k per annum. when we get to oz we will hopefully set up a small business.

I've sought advice from mortgage adviser and my accountant here, but I'm not having much joy so can anyone help me with the following .... Please


Would our income/dividends from UK be taken into account when applying for a mortgage to buy a family home in OZ?


Is it possible to apply for a mortgage whilst here in UK to buy a property in OZ or should that be done when we get there?


How long do we have to live there before we can apply for a mortgage? I've heard our credit score doesn't follow us, which we have built up to a good level.


and my next stupid question ...


Is it as simple as transferring the dividends to an OZ bank account from my business accounts? What are tax implications?


OR can anyone give me details of an OZ mortgage advisor and an accountant ? :err:



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I am not an expert on this at all but my first question would be whether the tax treatment in Oz for you would be any different whether your income was deemed to be salary or dividends.


The problem with dividends is that they are subject to profits being made and are therefore not assured income (even more so if the businesses are being left 'under management' and you will have limited oversight.


Why not pay yourself a salary as a Director of the companies instead. A salary would look better on a mortgage application.

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