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migrating July


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Morning all


I wasn't planning to go this early but things have changed as I got made redundant from my job so now moving in July :wink:


I'm sure this has been posted else where, but I want to be selfish here :embarrassed: as it is a massive step and I don't want to miss anything if possible. Can anyone advise on the absolute essential things that need to be completed via to flying out for the final time?


I already have visa, passport, money, and that's about it :arghh:


I know I need bank account, accommodation, doctors / dentists records...... Is there a list anywhere? Any advice of good initial accom in Melbourne for a single guy is appreciated or sites for house shares etc. (don't mind hostel for a week or 2, however as I will have all my stuff advice on short term safe storage is maybe a good idea?)


Thanks in advance.



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You can set a bank account up on-line before you arrive, its a simple process. You don't need Dr or dentist records so no worries there, however if you have a medical condition maybe ask your specialist to write you a report on procedures youve had, meds you take etc. If you do have prescription meds ask your Dr to prescribe you a few weeks worth to tide you over.


You can try sites like AirBnb ,Stayz or just google for a 1 bed holiday apartment. Gumtree is ok but has been known for scams so be careful if replying to ad's from there.


hope this helps a bit and lots of luck with the move

Cal x

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