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Needed my own account...

House Biatch

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Been browsing these forums for a while now through my wife account but decided now that this move is actually happening, I will need my own account as it will be down to me to sort everything out.


We will be moving to the Gold Coast area early in October this year (can't wait). My wife has been offered a GP job so we will be upping sticks from here to there with our 2 boys (ages 4 and 8) and 2 dogs to start our new life down under.


My wife has all of her medical stuff to sort out so I have to sort out everything else to do with moving us out there. Right now, my head hurts with all of the things to consider, not to mention the costs!


Anyway, pleased to be here and look forward to asking some really stupid questions in due course.





P.S: My wife says that when we move to Oz, I'm going to be her house biatch :arghh: hence my forum name.

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