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Small dogs to Brisbane

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Hi Bob.

I have put this on the other pet thread but it has been suggested that I put it on here go ask you. Hope u dont mind.

Just wondering if anyone else on here has taken small dogs over from the UK to Oz? I am sure there are plenty of you and I guess I am looking for some reassurance. I have no second thoughts about taking my 2 small king charles cavaliers with us, until my hubby suggested last night that the long flight and stress might kill them???? They don't have heart problems and I know they will be medically checked up before we go, but now I am wondering whether the flight and stress will harm them?

I can't imagine leaving them in the UK, even with loved ones, but if there is a chance I am going to harm them then I guess its something I need to consider???

They are both only 3 years old just to add x

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Bob is it true that Australian quarantine costs have increased from £39 to £139 per day???? So that means 10 days quarantine is £1390 per dog when it used to be £390???

If they decide either of my dogs need to stay in longer than 10 days for any reason, then I'll have to pay £139 each day on top of that???? :err:

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Hi not sure about what vacinations are required for you to bring your dogs over to Brisbane, but can I suggest you make sure they have a blood test for heart worm and then start preventative treatment. (You can get a 12 monthly vaccination)There are mozzies in Aus that carry heartworm and it is something you really need to talk to your vet about. Parvo vacination bringing the dogs up to C5 I guess will be required as they are going into kennels but another horrid illness that kills dogs. You will also need to treat your dogs monthly for Fleas and fortnightly for ticks if you are going into a tick area, and also do a daily hands on checking for ticks. If you find one pull it out and get your dog straight to the vet. Sorry I know your question was about costs and stress but just thought this may be of interest

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Tina. This is great advice. Many people in the excitement of getting settled in forget to get their pets to the vets, but it is so important to get your dogs or cats to the vets and get the preventative treatment regime sorted out. The best people to advise on this are the local vets. For example, tick paralysis only happens on the east coast of Australia. Around South Australia snake bites are a big problem etc etc

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Tina. This is great advice. Many people in the excitement of getting settled in forget to get their pets to the vets, but it is so important to get your dogs or cats to the vets and get the preventative treatment regime sorted out. The best people to advise on this are the local vets. For example, tick paralysis only happens on the east coast of Australia. Around South Australia snake bites are a big problem etc etc

Bob snake bites are a big problem just about everywhere in Aus, even baby snakes can make you very very sick. Your right what sounds very simplistic to Aussies may well be an eye opener to people migrating here. How many poms would be concerned about taking there dogs for a run through long vegitation ? during snake season it is in fact a very bad idea. Poms love there pets a known fact, how sad would it be to go to all the effort of bringing your pet with you only to loose it to a snake bite or tick bite. Along with all the research for the big move include learning about the climate, and dangers you need to be aware of for your pets.

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