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Rabbies vaccination


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we are planning on moving to NSW in July/August this year and we want to take our dog with us, she will be 12 in July. She has had the rabbies injunction approx 3 years ago (we had planned on moving earlier) and is know due for the booster ... She has not had any blood tests. Do we have to wait 6 months before we can fly her out?

Another question I had was if we fly to New Zealand then on to Australia will we be able to by pass quarantine? I know there is no quarantine in New Zealand.

Many thanks x

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Sorry to say this, but you are pretty much back to square one with your dog. She will need a rabies vaccine, 3-4 week wait and then rabies blood sample and then 180 day wait. So it is going to be around 7 months before she can fly.

NZ does have 10 days quarantine as well, but if you fly a dog from UK to NZ and then want to take them to Australia they have to be in NZ for at least 90 days, so it is not actually going to make things much quicker if your final destination is Australia.

Sorry not to be bearing better news.

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