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16-18 year olds moving to melbourne?


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I am moving to Melbourne this week from the UK and I am very nervous about making new friends and leaving everyone behind. It would be great if there was any one of a similar age who could share their experiences or anyone who is also moving and would like to chat?

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I'm originally from the Uk and I moved to Brisbane, Australia around 3 years ago now. I'm a bit younger than you but I do know a lot of kids that moved to Australia when they were the same age as you. Though, there are ups and downs from moving and it obviously will be hard because it is not just moving schools it's moving country, but I can say that at first I found it hard and I missed a lot of my friends, but then I realised that Australia is an amazing country that has loads to offer and it was the best thing my family has ever done. You won't find it hard to fit in, there are loads of nice people and other activities other than school that you can meet new people and make new friends.

Hope I could help a little bit :)

"As I look back on my life, I realise that every time that I thought I was being rejected for something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better" ∞

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