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New PR issue


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Hi Everyone

So not to sure where to put this so apologies ahead of time.

So I recently got my 186 PR visa. But it has become apparent the company I work for are taking a different direction.

And in particular with my role.

This direction is a backward step for me and fear it could lead me into a job I hate with a passion.

BUT a position has been advertised with another company in my specific field of expertise.

What can I do? Or what would happen if I got or changed my employer after just been given my PR.


I do feel obligated to the company (worked for the m in UK and Canada). But this change they are planning is not a good career move for me and my family.

Also it would mean the visa job description would be totally different.


I look forward to your replies and thoughts

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There are no conditions on your 186 visa that require you to stay with the employer or in the same position. Theoretically, it would be possible for you to leave the employer as soon the 186 was granted however, if they were to complain to DIBP, DIBP could conceivably find that you didn't obtain the visa in good faith (though I've never heard of that happening). If you've had the visa for even a few months, no amount of complaining would have that effect. If I were you, I would be reminding your employer in writing of the role for which you were sponsored and notifying them of your dislike of the changes to your role and position. If you keep that together with full documentation of their reply, you'll have strong support for having left them in the unlikely event of DIBP getting involved.

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