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Traveling to (western?)Australia on whv in April


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Hi:) so I as many before me I'm traveling to Australia on a working holiday! I plan on going mid April.(omg not long now!)



Since I'll be staying for a year I hope to see as much as possible of Australia, not only the east cost.. My plan so far is to start out in Perth and travel up north from there and after that traveling down the east cost and finish my year in Sydney/Melbourne. Does that sound as a manageable plan? Or should I start out further north?



I want to get a job as soon as posible in the area I'm starting from, and I hope to do the farm work for the second year visa as soon as possible to.



Does anybody know how the job marked is in Perth around April/may? Or is it easier to get a job(preferably "farming") further north?



And if anybody has any travel tips and must go to places please let me know:)

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Hey. Welcome to the forum


There's jobs advertised on here so that'll give you a idea of what's available. Then there's also lots of backpacking Facebook pages if you have a search. Lots of jobs and advice posted on those. Other than that can't comment on the rest because I haven't been to Australia yet

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Hi There,


I will also be flying into Perth mid April! The 13th to be exact...

Perth would be a great place to start although you will find you may have a bit of trouble working your way north as there isn't really a lot there.

The coastline from Perth up to Darwin is pretty baron with the exception of a few farms/vineyards but you will need to be pretty clued up about the are to find work I imagine.


My plan is to chill for a week or so in Perth, I have some extended family there who have been kind enough to put me up for a while. They also have a contact in one of the vineyards located south of Perth in the Margaret River region.

If I am lucky enough to find work then I would be more than happy to put a word in for you!


My plan is to do much the same as you except I plan on travelling directly to Adelaide from Perth and then either drive/train/bus all the way to Cairns following the South/East coast.


Hope this helps!



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Hi Brandon:) Cool, I will be flying into Perth on the 15 of April, so not long after!


Hmm, maybe just plane from Perth to Darwin then..

You are lucky to have family there:) and if you do find work there, I would be so thankful if you where to put in a word for me!


Thanks alot for your help!

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Hi Brandon:) Cool, I will be flying into Perth on the 15 of April, so not long after!


Awesome! Well if your flying into the same town as me just one day after, it makes sense we meet up for a beer/coffee!

If you want to PM me your email I can arrange that closer to the time. :)


Hmm, maybe just plane from Perth to Darwin then..


That would be my advice!


You are lucky to have family there:) and if you do find work there, I would be so thankful if you where to put in a word for me!


Thanks alot for your help!


No worries at all!

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