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Job in Environmental Descipline


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I have recently migrated to Australia along with my family (one month now). Yet, I am looking for a job and feeling a fear of unemployment. I have a total of 9+ years work experience as environmental consultant and HSE regulatory compliance. In Australia, usually recruiters and companies look for candidates having Australian experience. Can someone give me an idea, how to get Australian experience? other than volunteer work? Also, please share the vacancies with me, if anything has come across. I am already following the main recruiters such as Seek, Career One, Kelly, Australia Jobs, etc.


If anyone got environmental consultancy firm, I can start work on part time basis.



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We advertised for an enviro scientist a couple of months ago. Got my first application 6 minutes after the ad had gone live and fifty in the first day.


You are going to find it a struggle unless you're in a niche that no one else can do. Truthfully you're best off getting whatever job you can and sending out CVs, but don't sit around waiting for an offer right now as it is very, very tough going.

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Thank you Eera. I am doing the same. I am applying each and every job that I feel fit to comply with. At this moment, I am not restricting myself for professional work, but also looking for other positions. Still, I am struggling. I came all the way from Pakistan for better future and left the work I was doing in Pakistan. Never thought that life will be that difficult. But, I have high moral and willingness to cope out of this situation soon. I hope, I will get desired job soon :)

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