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Solo traveller on WHV (First time in OZ)


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I posted this on the welcome thread but figured this is a better page to post on.



Hi all,


What an absolute goldmine I have found here! :smile:

Such an abundance of useful information to be found and everybody seems genuinely interested in helping. (Which makes a change for an internet forum.)


Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself as Brandon.

I am a 21 year old young man from the south of England and will be flying into Perth to start my working holiday in April. (Not long left!)

I am lucky enough to have extended family dotted around WA & SA (Cousins of Cousins ect...) and plan on 'following the trail' for my first 6 months or so. I want to work hard and earn as much as I can, doing whatever work I can find so that I can fund my other 6 months on the east coast.


I am a pretty seasoned holiday goer but never really backpacked anywhere.

I have travelled solo a few times and am comfortable with staying in Hostels but was fishing for any tips/advice you lovely people might have.


Thanks in advance for any help and here's to sharing a beer with any of you who I am lucky enough to meet on my adventures...




P.S: Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong forum.



Would be great to know if anybody is going to be in WA around the same time.

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No problem :) haha I'm hoping to win the lottery before I go! I still need to save up all my money before I go so it's going to be very tight but hopefully I manage it.


The plan at the moment is to land in Perth in September but I might change it to Sydney. I love the idea of landing in Sydney and seeing the harbour bridge etc first but I know more people in Perth. I'll probably stay in Perth till December then go to the east coast. I'm not sure if I'm even staying a full year, I might stay 8 months if I'm applying for college. Just going to give it till the January and decide. What's your plan??

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Well... My Grandad's Cousins Nephew lives in Perth with her husband and two boys. (3 & 4 years old)

They have said that they are more than happy to let me stay in their spare room and even offered to pay me to look after the boys as they are both paramedics and work some crazy shifts.

Want to spend a month or so in Perth, depending on how easily I find work and how much I enjoy it.


The said Cousin (Above) breeds horses and owns her own farm in Geraldton (few hundred Kilometres north of Perth).

She has said that there is plenty of work that I could do on the farm and is prepared to house me and pay me.

This would of course count towards my 3 months agricultural work so I can apply or my second year.

She also owns a house in Bali so I will spend a couple of weeks there with her too.


Thats me done in WA. I will then go to Adelaide as a friend of the family owns a dance school there.

Once I work my way through Adelaide and Melbourne I will start in Sydney.


I plan on clocking 3-4 months in and around Sydney before working my way up the coast through Townsville and into Cairns.

My time in WA is going to be more work oriented so that when I get to the east coast I can spend more time partying and just finding work whenever I'm low on funds.


Once all of that is through, Im going to spend another month working my way round South East Asia. (Depending on if I stick around OZ for a second year.)


The one thing I'm worried about is keeping my equipment safe. (Mac, GoPro, Camera etc)

Does anybody have any advice about taking/looking after expensive electronics... Should I even take them?


Once again, thanks in advance. :smile:



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Wow sounds like you've got a good plan! Least you know you have guaranteed 2nd year visa work.


I'm not sure about safety.. Will you really need your Mac? If it's just for internet you could get a cheap tablet. Loads of people take go pro's so I assume those are safe. Just have your wits about you and use the lockers in the hostels etc

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Yeah, I have been very lucky that so many people want to help! :smile:


Your probably right.

I mostly wanted to bring it so I could edit my GoPro and camera footage, also to update my blog and just general browsing, Skype ect.

Have looked into certain measures and it seems there are plenty of devices/locks that will be able to keep it safe, plus all my stuff is insured anyway.


Now just to grind through these last weeks of work...

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Just have your wits about you and use the lockers in the hostels etc


I've met people who were robbed and people who left their Macbooks charging on their bed while they went out (and nothing went missing). You get a feel for your surroundings :)


One bit of advice would be to regularly backup your photos to dropbox or something. Insurance will (hopefully) cover your electronics if they break but no insurance in the world is going to get back all the photos you took.

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I've met people who were robbed and people who left their Macbooks charging on their bed while they went out (and nothing went missing). You get a feel for your surroundings :)


One bit of advice would be to regularly backup your photos to dropbox or something. Insurance will (hopefully) cover your electronics if they break but no insurance in the world is going to get back all the photos you took.


I was so lucky in the hostel I stayed in London. I didn't use the lockers at all and I left my stuff around but it was mostly clothes. I always had my purse and iPhone on me but I did leave my camera around. Tbh it's not a good one anyway. Nobody touched anybody's stuff at all. Luckily

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I've met people who were robbed and people who left their Macbooks charging on their bed while they went out (and nothing went missing). You get a feel for your surroundings :)


One bit of advice would be to regularly backup your photos to dropbox or something. Insurance will (hopefully) cover your electronics if they break but no insurance in the world is going to get back all the photos you took.


Your absolutely right, that's why I plan on bringing multiple memory cards so if one is lost, its not the end of the world.

Things like Icloud and Dropbox are great too.


I have a Kensington lock and there are other gadgets that enable you to lock laptops ect to immovable objects.

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