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moving to OZ on 489 visa


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hi everyone!


We (i and my wife) would be moving to Australia in the beginning of April this year on a Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489-family sponsored) visa. The visa will expire on 22nd April 2017.


So my question now to you is since we plan to apply for 887 (PR) once we complete the 2 years requirement of living/working in a regional area, do you think there would be enough time to switch to 887 visa from the time of completing our 2 years requirement to the 489 visa's expiry date without creating any problems to our legal status? I know there are some bridging visa options but would it be all enough to complete the formalities looking at our time constraints?

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If you move to the regional area before 22 April 2015 and are able to find full time work in under 12 months, you will have time to complete the eligibility requirements for an 887 application without needing a 489 extension. It will all come down to whether or not you can find full time (or 2 part time jobs to equate to full time) work to meet the 12 month work requirement.


Don't leave it until 21 April to make the move though as you must have time to be able to actually lodge the 887 application before your 489 expires in order to get a Bridging visa to enable you to stay on after the 489 expires.

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You will normally get a Bridging Visa automatically as soon as you apply for the 887 though it may take a few days so don't leave it to the last day to apply. The BVA will take effect when your 489 expires and is valid until a decision is reached on your 887 application (however long it takes). Note that the BVA has no travel rights - if you leave Australia while holding a BVA, it will be cancelled. You will however be eligible to apply for a Bridging visa B (the only BV with travel rights) before you travel so you can leave and re-enter Australia within the validity of the BVB.

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Ok that clears up the things somehwat.


You mentioned in your earlier post that i need to complete the eligibility requirements for an 887 application without needing a 489 extension so does that mean there is a possibility of 489 visa extension? Haven't come across any yet during my research.

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If you need more time to meet the eligibility requirements for transition to an 887, I believe it's possible to apply for a Skilled Regional (Provisional) Renewal (subclass 489) but I'm afraid I don't know anything about it. Hopefully someone who does know will come along with that info.

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