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Dog quarantine - MAKING MY HEAD HURT!

MacFamily 2006

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I am starting to look at moving out to Australia as a GP. I am in contact with a great recruitment company to take care of work/visa etc


But I need advice from those who have taken dogs out to Oz.


I will be going out on a 457 visa and have been advised that currently it is taking 6-8 months to get the visa granted. My concern is, how do I initiate/know when to initiate the start of the vet checks as they are so time specific to their flights according to the Australian government website. It we start now, and the visa takes 8 months, the checks will all be done to early. Likewise if we start 2 months from now and the visa takes 6 months, we'll not get all the checks done before we fly!


This is making my head hurt! How do others with animals to transport manage?!


Any advice gratefully received!

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Guest The Pom Queen

I see you have found Bob so I will leave you in his capable hands. Your priority is getting the rabies work done.

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