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Townsville bills food etc?


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Really hard to give you any idea on outgoings as it depends on quite a few things. e.g.

House with pool

House with aircon (mad not to have it)

Age of kids.


Will say electricity prices are pretty high and cost of living is higher than when compared to the UK.

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hi, i can't answer your questions directly but i can somewhat give u an idea. We just moved here as well Dec last year so we just got our first bill last week and for a month we had to pay $128. We have 2 bedroom apartment and rarely use the aircon (roughly 1-2 a day but not everyday and the lil one sleeps with us). The food and toiletries, on our first grocery we spent i think $360 but thats like two of everything considering we have nothing at all. Now we try to stick to a 100 per week budget for grocery which works but we are only 2 adults and a toddler, and hubby eats only lunch at home or sometimes not at all if he has to work early. Hope it helps

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Thankyou all for your replies yes would Deffo have a house with air con don't really want a pool so would be without a pool as will just use my dads lol! My children will be 6 and 2. We are just trying to get an idea if I would have to work or if we would be able to manage just on hubby's wages as he would roughly be on $4170-$4680 a month.

Thanks emma

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