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technical interview


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Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone has taken the vetasses technical interview and if so how hard is it and how long does it last for, only found out today that I have mine on Wednesday so am a little nervous about not having enough time to prepare. I'm a hairdresser if that helps anyone in answering my questions thanks guys x

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Hi, I can only go by my one, which was for welding/fabrication, so a different trade but am guessing it's probably a similar format?.

mine was very relaxed and lasted about an hour, it's done over Skype by someone who has worked in your industry. All he did with me was go through my references and asked questions regarding the type of work I'd done and how I went about doing it?. They just want to know that you are at the same level or above as someone who has just qualified/finished an apprenticeship in your trade.

try not to worry, as long as you know your job you'll be fine! Hope this has helped. Good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello!! Thanks for the msg the interview went well thank you,


It took a week after my interview to get an email to say I had passed and that my skills assesment was positive, I am now waiting for my aqf111 to come through to move on with things its been a month now so im hoping it will be here soon, want to get eoi in as soon as poss.


So are you waiting to hear if your skills assesment is positive? Where abouts are you wanting to base yourself?

:) kayleigh x

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Hi Kayleigh, thanks so much for replying!


Congratulations on passing, that's great news! When and where are you heading?


I've got a few options at the moment, I know I can go to Tas or NT on the 190, and have currently got a job offer in tassie, but I am also looking into the 489 in Qld, as I have lived there before and would love to settle there permanently. Although it means working towards PR.


Yep, it should arrive with them today, I've been constantly tracking it since it was sent last Monday! I have no idea if I will pass though, I don't have a certificate to say that I am trained in chemical straightening, although I have learnt it and included pictures. Hoping that will be enough! What did you put in yours, if you don't mind me asking?


Vicki :) x

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Hi vicki,


You will be fine im sure of it its horrible waiting isnt it.


Im not trained in chemical straightning at all but we have just started the brazilian blow dries in my salon,im currently on mat leave so have never done it myself didnt put any evidence of it in my skills assesment but did talk through how the girls do it in the salon in my interview. I just put videos together of me working in the salon doing all sorts, photos of hair ups and my certs. is that the same kind of thing you done.


Your options are the same as mine then so we are going for the 489 to queens thats where we had wanted to head to at the beginning but when we started our visa process hairdressing wasnt on there list so we were going to opt for perth with the intention of moving to queens after the two years. Then perth got taken off and queens then got put on thats why I really want to get our eoi in as soon as poss before anything changes again. We have two very little ones so thought pr will be a bit more secure for them althougn the process is taking ages.


What brought you back from queens then if you dont mind me asking, bet you will be glad when the process is all over I know I will be.


:-) kayleigh

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That's reassuring then. I have put in my CV, references and proof of employment and then I put in photos of my work, like hair ups and cuts etc, photos of me working completing colours, cuts, mens hair & beards etc and a before and after photo of chemical straightening and explained how I did it all. I only added one perm in too, they ask for two, but no-one I know has perms anymore! I put in one video of me working, doing a colour and cut and blow dry. Hoping that's enough!


Yeah, I would like the permanent residency straight away but love QLD so it may be worth it! We left as my partners WHV expired and we went over to NZ to try there, came home for a wedding in November and have postponed going back as we are applying for this instead. It's where we want to be in the long run! Yeah I'm hoping it doesn't go off the list before I get my EOI in ill be devastated! Although NSW, VIC or SA would be fine too.


Are you using an agent? Think we will be using one when we apply for the visa. Also have you done the IELTS?


Vicki x

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Hi vicki,


You will be fine im sure of it its horrible waiting isnt it.


Im not trained in chemical straightning at all but we have just started the brazilian blow dries in my salon,im currently on mat leave so have never done it myself didnt put any evidence of it in my skills assesment but did talk through how the girls do it in the salon in my interview. I just put videos together of me working in the salon doing all sorts, photos of hair ups and my certs. is that the same kind of thing you done.


Your options are the same as mine then so we are going for the 489 to queens thats where we had wanted to head to at the beginning but when we started our visa process hairdressing wasnt on there list so we were going to opt for perth with the intention of moving to queens after the two years. Then perth got taken off and queens then got put on thats why I really want to get our eoi in as soon as poss before anything changes again. We have two very little ones so thought pr will be a bit more secure for them althougn the process is taking ages.


What brought you back from queens then if you dont mind me asking, bet you will be glad when the process is all over I know I will be.


:-) kayleigh

Something for you to consider...


When going for a 489 in a desirable state vs a 190 elsewhere, keep in mind that on a 489 you get no government assistance with childcare costs and no Family Tax Benefits. Because nearly everyone in Australia is eligible for Childcare Benefit and Childcare Rebate, childcare fees tend to be much higher than they might be otherwise because the market will bear it. With two little ones, you could find a large part of your income goes on childcare unless your partner doesn't work. FTBs are also very valuable.

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Thanks for the advice ozmaniac il look into that x


Hi vicki


I only done one perm too as we dont do them much either i did a few colours but they did ask me for more evidence they gave me a list of things but did not do them all as some were beards moustaches etc and i dont do them so just did what i could and tried to put as many on the list into each model. Have you heard anything back yet?


Yeah if it was poss and queens got taken off and i had the options for the states youve said i wouldnt mind that either just really dont fancy act or taz but i suppose if worse come to it i wouldnt mind if it got us there. Really have heart set on queens though.


I done my ielts a few months ago passed second time round had to get an 8 in each as needed extra points to make up maternity time off, have you done yours yet? We are using an agent also found them really useful as dont have the time really with the little ones and i know it makes the whole process even more expensive but they have been a godsend to us anything to make life a little easier, also i didnt want the added pressure of doing the whole thing ourselves the process has changed so much since we began it would of drove me round the bend trying to make sure i was doing everything right. weve gone with the emigration group but think there only based in chester and london.


How long have you been doing your visa process for its been 16 months for us now :-( we did originaly say we wanted to move 2016 but weve put it back a year now. when are you hoping to get back out.


Kayleigh :-) x

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Yeah they wrote to me the day before yesterday asking for my reference to be certified but haven't heard anything else yet. Least theyre looking at it already!


No I haven't done my IELTS yet, not sure if I will need to do it points wise but will look into that when/if I have a positive assessment! Yeah that's why we want to use an agent, theres none that I know of where we live, were in Shrewsbury. But will probably use Go Matilda, they seem to be well recommended.


Yeah I'm not too keen on being anywhere else really, we lived in Victoria for 6 months which we loved, but we were on the Great Ocean Road. Wouldn't mind going back there, and South Australia was beautiful. I'd be happier if another state came up on the 190, but I guess its just a wait and see! Hopefully it wont come off fully by the time we are ready to put in our EOI!


We have only just started the process, it took us about a month to sort out everything to send to Vetassess, so we are in for a long wait! How long were you hoping it would take you? We are hoping that we can go early next year, but whether we can or not I don't know!


When you did your technical interview where did you go?


Vicki x

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I had my technical interview in manchester, have you done yours yet? I cant remember what order it all goes in. If you do need to do the ielts you will probably only need 7s in each band personally i think you will only because thats how you prove you speak english even if you are english, its pretty straightforward as long as you revise a little to get to know the format.


I thought we would be nearer to the end of getting our visa after 17 months but reckon we still have a little while to go, lucky its turned out that way as would of had to pay for a whole new application for our little girl whos 5 months shes just been added to our application now:)


Have you heard anything more off your skills assesment yet if not fingers crossed it wont be long xx

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Just received the email.....it's successful!!!! Can't believe it, it only took about 2 weeks, shocked! Now for the technical! They asked for my reference letter to be certified last week, they received it yesterday and got the email now.


Any tips for the technical?


Vicki x

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Yay well done thats fab and so quick too,

The technical was pretty relaxed they pick out some questions which you also see on the computer screen as a slide show and you answer tbh if you have been working as a hairdresser for a while and know your stuff you will be fine, all i did was get a few old folders out and had a scout through just to refresh me but would of know the questions anyway, i had a few questions on colour correction perms ladies cuts colour wheel hair structure. the bloke doing it was so nice and put me at ease straight away . Are you taking it in manchester?


Yay good luck let me know how you do:-)


Kayleigh x

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I know I cant believe how quick it was!

Fingers crossed i'll be ok then, I trained and worked for Francesco Group for 8 years so have lots of salon experience, but I'm still flicking through my old folders!

Yeah it's on April 9th in Manchester, keep your fingers crossed for me!


Have you got any further with your application yet?


Vicki x

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