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UK house rental


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Can anyone who has ever rented out their UK house and emigrated recommend a good agent nationally, is there any estate agents that offer a package for expat landlords that takes most of the worry away?


We really want to sell and will put the house up for sale when our visa is granted but will only have about 3 months or so after our visa is granted to sell the house as there is a job lined up on that side and we can't let them wait forever. And not confident our house will sell that quick so will need some extra income to pay the mortgage.


I'm guessing it's mostly down to the individual agent how well they look after things but if anyone has any recommendations, would be great to know as we have no family locally that can look after the house...

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We are using a local agent who is supposed to look after everything. We had 3 initially as there is no sole agency in letting. The one who found us a good short term full rental tenant got the job, so to speak. We were here a week when we got our tenants on a 6 month term.


Doesn't stop the mountains of emails to sort UK time, though. We took out a British gas landlord package to take care of electrics, gas and plumbing. Saves the agent charging us a fortune sub contracting a tradie. Make sure you negotiate the fees for the estate agent too. Do some research on your local ones, someone will have stories as to how good they are. Good luck with your visa.

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That's great Wen66 thanks for the advice, with regards to tax (we are applying on a 189 visa) as I understand it, we can fill in a non resident landlords form which excempts us from paying tax up to the personal limit.


As the house is in mine and my wife's name do we both have to declare it or can it all be declared on one of our self assesment forms, if we both declare it. Must it be done on a 50/50 basis, ie we deduct mortgage interest and maintenance then declare a percentage of the profit on each form. Also in Oz must it be declared for both people on the mortgage or is it sufficient to declare it all on one of the owners tax return as long as it's been declared... The tax thing sounds very confusing lol

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Where are you based? I would have different recommendations depending on the city. Whoever you go with make sure they are members of the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) as they operate a code of conduct and also offer redress if anything happens to the agent (like they go bust etc)



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