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completely new to this so bare with me lol..


I'm looking at working and traveling in Australia with my sister in March/April of this year.

We made the mistake of using 'Global Work and Travel' to help us go about it (Bad idea!) and later discovered bad reviews on numerous sites and proported investigations by the Canadian and Australian authorities. Luckily it was only my deposit I lost which was taken out of my account without my consent and which I will battle to get back. So yeah, I've learnt it's best to plan it all by yourself which my best mate proved to me was dead easy, as she is currently working in Sydney and will soon be working her way up to the Gold Coast. She did it with a friend of hers from uni and started there adventure by travelling Indonesia and Malaysia for 6 weeks which looked and sounded amazing! All she needed was her visa , flights and a couple of grand in the bank.


Sooooo, it's my turn and I would appreciate any single bit of advise in my prep! How did you guys do it? How much did you have saved? Where are the best places to work and travel? How soon did you find a job?


Forgot to to mention I am 22 year old hairdresser , but I'd do anything for work out there. My sister is 20 and specialises in hospitality and retail but again she'd do anything for work. Anybody else gone as a pair? How did it that go/how's it going?


Thank you!

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Guest The Pom Queen

Welcome to the forum. I have moved your thread to the WHV section, if you have a read through here there are lots of people in the same situation as you and some really good advice as well as job vacancies and contacts.

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