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Medical Query


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Hi All,


Earlier this year I suffered some very minor anxiety and depression for which I went to my GP and was referred for counselling of which I did 4 sessions. I was never diagnosed with GAD, or any similar mental health condition.


As I hadn't experienced any symptoms for a good few months and now feel fine i didn't even consider this when filling the emedical form in and said no to the mental health question - I had my medical and all was fine with this.


Do you think I should make immigration aware of the above, could this cause a load of trouble now my medical have been completed and submitted to DIAC?

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I have just posted an almost identical thread, Hopeful.


I can't comment authoritatively on the immigration issue, however, for future reference I think the only other concern in not disclosing it would be if you ever had to make an insurance claim due to illness and the underwriter requested to see your UK medical history. It would be prudent to disclose it henceforth. Maybe seek discreet professional advice on the immigration front.

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  • 2 months later...

I had similar a few years ago, I disclosed it prior to my medical this week, we had a quick 2 mins about it and then the doc dismissed it.


Each case if different, however I would guess as you have had your medical and it didnt come up then by informing them now may open a can of worms. As others above I am not an agent and in the same boat as you so please take this as my experience only and not advice.


Hope it all works out well for us all :)

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