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What can I do with a BA Hons in Journalism in Australia?


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Hi all,


I came over to Australia in July 2013 with a Working Holiday Visa after getting my degree and stayed in Perth for 6 months working for the Perth Glory media team before moving to Melbourne and working for a business news website. My whole objective was to hopefully achieve sponsorship but it unfortunately didn't come to fruition and I hadn't left enough time to do the required 3 months farm work to receive a 2nd year WHV.


Basically I am very much wanting to return to Perth and I was looking for some advice on how I would go about this. I know Journalism is not a required skill on the list so I was wondering if there were any other avenues I could go down. I'm also not just stuck on working as a journalist if my degree would get me some work in another field.


Thanks for reading and any advice would be much appreciated.



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Good luck with this Thomas. I was in a similar position a couple of years back (have a BA Hons in TV and Radio), but I have since settled back in the UK, but would love the opportunity to head back out there. More a less everyone I spoke to about this, simply told me to contact media company's directly, to seek employment.

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