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Any poms in Shepparton/ Echuca area?

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Hi and welcome. Not much help to you sorry, we are in Moama just over the bridge from Echuca but we are packing and going back to Qld in 2 weeks. We are also an older couple . Only advise I can give you is make sure you have some form of cooling as it gets VERY hot here over the summer months.

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I occasionally look to see if there is anyone in my area.......there never is.


Shepparton is the nearest I have seen.


i am confused why you say Shepparton - Echuca, they are a long way apart. I am an hour from Shepparton but over 2 hours from Echuca.


Not that it matters, I am 60's and single so of no use to you.


i don't think you will find people in your area on this forum.


Things are very different out in the regions, I looked something up recently and over 90% of residents where I live were born in Australia, I suspect most of those were born in this town, I am an alien......


Shepparton is different, a lot of unemployment, it has one of the largest empty shop rates in the state, there are immigrants but very few are European.


Echuca is very different a tourist town and much more middle class.

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Moama is over the bridge from Echuca and a really nice much smaller area, but the advantage of just driving over the bridge for all the things Echuca has to offer. If you like river sports you will love Echuca, but apart from that not much else on offer except of course lots of different sports.

The heat is the thing to be aware of in Feb especially it can reach 46 during the day and high 20s at night. A dry heat but when you ad it to Hot Winds it can be uncomfortable.

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