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where to shop in oz?


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Two different approaches to marketing in each country I reckon. When products are bought on "special " in Australia , I believe they are cheaper than uk. I can't remember special prices in the uk being as much as a mark down as what we have here. Lots stuff half price in our specials here. Have to learn to barter with prices in Australian retail when buying white good products, electrical ect. I get sports clothing cheaper here. I just believe it's a different market. If you want to pay what's on a price tag in a retail shop at a Westfield shopping centre, you get what you get.

Things like apple products, computers, big screen tvs I've found cheaper here. I've just fully furnished a house for what me and my wife believe is much cheaper than what we would of in the uk. My mattress retailed at $1790, I paid $1100. Cinema couch marked at $1200, I payed $700. I bought quite a few things together and took prices and specials I found from other shops and ended up with a deal saving me few thousand on market prices. It's knowing where to shop and not settling for the price on tags. Wrong but don't let them take all your hard earned cAsh.

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For girls have a look at http://www.cinnamongirls.com.au beautiful quality and sizes are pretty acurate. Boys Osh cosh. I have found Pumpkin Patch has gone off recently not the quality it use to be. Target on the other hand have improved. Really a case of looking around. I dont like Big W for kids clothes but having said that they do have great boys shorts that are a good fit.

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