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Which State to move to??


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Are you still in Perth?


I have visited Adelaide and lived in Perth.


I really liked the the beaches in Adelaide I thought they were stunning, I also felt the city had a nice laid back vibe with some nice places to dine and get a few ales. On the downside it certainly felt as though it was city in places that perhaps has a few economic woes. If you can be fairly confident of securing a decent job and enjoy smaller cities then Adelaide fits the bill in many ways.


Perth is sprawling and never really feels like a city to me, more of a series of coastal towns joined together. It's expensive but noticeably more affluent than Adelaide or indeed the other Aussie cities I have visited. The city is pretty much a none event but again very pleasant and unless you are after London levels of entertainment then it's fine. In terms of work opportunities for Oil & Gas and or mining etc it's a great spot outwith that I'm not sure. Added to that it's warm laid back and pretty much how many POMS imagine Australia to be.


I've lived on East Coast and when we return to Oz it will be to Perth for many reasons but overall family lifestyle plays a huge part. In saying that lifestyle in most Aussie cities is what you make of it, providing you have a reasonable income and positive outlook you can't go wrong in the grand scheme of things.

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