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Travelling Australia for a year starting January!

Daniel Corrigan

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Hey guys, just created my account there.


I'm from Scotland and will be starting my WHV, alone, on January the 14th, in Sydney. Just made this thread to pretty much say hello (hello) and to ask a couple questions.


- I've heard that Sydney is the most expensive city in Australia, and seeing as I'll only be bringing over the minimum required ($5000), I was

wondering where the cheapest places are?


- I was also wondering if it would be smart and possible to get a job in a hostel? I figured it would serve as a good way to get my feet off the ground.

If not, then can anyone recommend ways to find decent work quickly?




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Hi Dan!


Sydneys a great city to live in, but it can be expensive. But saying this, wages are higher than in the UK.


When are you planning on traveling in Oz? Jan/Feb are the busiest months to travel around Oz, but also the most fun as there will be lots of people to meet along the way.


I work for a backpacker travel agent, contact me about any travel questions you have...or anything related to living in Sydney, i've been here for 4 years now!


L x

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No more, or less, expensive than any other city in Aus. It all depends how you look after your money. If you want to spend it all in fine dining restaurants, then your cash will get swallowed up pretty quickly in any City. If you are more frugal with your cash then it won't be as much of an issue. [emoji4]

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