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190 visa processing time

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Hey, we're in a similar position. We lodged on the 11th of June, received a case officer on August 18 and had our meds and police checks uploaded by the 5th September. Since then we've heard nothing. When we log in, it just says processing and last updated 18th August! I've triple checked and all our docs are uploaded. It's do disheartening seeing so many people getting their grants within 3 months.

if there is anyone else out there in the same boat I'd love to hear your story!

Fingers crossed it won't be too much longer.

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Hey, we're in a similar position. We lodged on the 11th of June, received a case officer on August 18 and had our meds and police checks uploaded by the 5th September. Since then we've heard nothing. When we log in, it just says processing and last updated 18th August! I've triple checked and all our docs are uploaded. It's do disheartening seeing so many people getting their grants within 3 months.

if there is anyone else out there in the same boat I'd love to hear your story!

Fingers crossed it won't be too much longer.



Hang in there mate!!! We've been waiting since April 19th!


An idle mind is the Devil's workshop...


Get yourself involved in some new activity for the time being, before you realise it you will have the grant...


Wishing you a speedy grant...

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Thanks buddy! I think you're right! We need to take up a new hobby! We've already decorated our house from top to bottom trying to pass the time! And completed all the xmas shopping!

It's the most organised we've ever been!

I hope you get yours soon too canberra2014!

Cheers for the support!

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Hi @bleedinghurt. No idea. We have been told our application is still under "Internal Verification/processing" and that no other docs are required for now. God knows how much longer this is gonna take. I have a hunch it might have something to do with our ANZSCO code/ACT SS combination not having a high priority overall. But maybe thats just me trying to justify the delay from April until now...


Just hoping things are finalised soon...


Try and get your mind off the grant for sometime and you should have it sooner than you know....

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Hi @bleedinghurt, I wish I had the answer. I have no idea why some people get seen to sooner than others. My agent told me not to worry as she said some case officers just gave higher workloads than others.

Try not to worry too much. I know It's easier said than done and I could do with taking my own advice must of the time, but hang in there.

Just remember you're not alone.

Keep us pasted!

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