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Submission of More than one EOI in Skilled Independent (189) Under Different Nom. Occupation


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Hi all,


I have two positive skills assessments from EA as Chemical Engineer and Production Engineer. I applied for skills assessment as Production Engineer at the beginning of this year on the assumption that Chemical Engineer would not be SOL list of 2014-15.


I have already submitted two EOIs one in Skilled Nominated 190 (NSW) and other in Skilled Independent 189 under the nominated occupation of Chemical Engineer. I want to submit third EOI in Skilled Independent 189 category under the nominated occupation of Production Engineer. I have only seven months to get the invitation otherwise I will lose 5 points of age. As a consequence, my points will redcue to 55 in May 2015.


May I submit two EOIs in Skilled Independent (189) category under two different nominated occupation? Thanks to all in advance who will guide me and share his/her advice or knowledge.

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You can submit another 189 EOI if you wish but I can't really see why you would bother to do so if you have skills assessment for both occupations and equally strong evidence for your points claims for both. If you get a 189, you're completely free to work in either occupation (or in any other occupation for that matter) so I wonder why you think a second (actually, a third) EOI will be helpful.

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Why am I considering second in 189 but third EOI under occupation of Production Engineer?


The Ceiling value of Production Engineer with Mechanical and Industrial Engineers is 1680 which is high as compare to Chemical Engineer which is 1000. DIBP issue 12 to 15 invitations of Chemical Engineers while around 50 invitation for former engineers. Hence, the chances of getting early invitation are high in former engineering occupation. Furthermore, I will lose points of may age in May 2015 so it is essential for me to get invitation before it. I hope you understand my point of view. Any other suggestion?

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