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Plumbers in South SA


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Hi I am Currently a self employed plumber in the UK. Next year I am moving to SA with my family on a skilled permanent residency visa subclass 190. I was wondering if there are plumbers who could give me some advise on getting a job, or if there's anything I can do from the UK to help me find work. I am fully qualified in general plumbing, Gas, Solar and eco housing, Asbestos awareness, working at heights and have also had training with Oil appliances. Any feed back would be great. Thanks

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Hi welcome to the forum...


It may be worth having a read through this website as it explains how the licencing rules work over here, unfortunately your UK qualifications don't mean much once your here on Aussie soil so cracking on with the licence as soon as you arrive as securing work without it may be tough.




Hope this helps and lots of luck with the move

Cal x

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