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457 confusion.


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Firstly, let me praise this forum. Whenever I have posted on this site, I have always received hugely informative information and it means a great deal.


I came out to Australia originally in OCT last year on a WHV, and since May - June this year I have been on a 457 skilled visa, working as a primary school teacher. This visa is set to expire mid July next year. But I have had some bad news with the school saying that they no longer have a place for me, due to a lack of school numbers and returning staff.


So, is it realistic that the only way I can stay in Aus in by getting a new sponsor and a new school? Or could I now apply for a different visa as by the end of the school year I would have been here 16 months. I naturally really want to stay and I am enjoying it hugely.


If anyone has any advice or experienced this situation, I would really like to know?


Kind Regards, Michael

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What rotten luck, but unfortunately, that's one of the problems with a 457. Do your best now to see if you can get something other than another 457 though of course, a 457 is better than having to leave the country if you want to stay.


Your options are:


• find another employer to sponsor you for a 457, 186 or 187. For a 186 (and possibly for a 187), you'll need a positive skills assessment from AITSL




• if a state or territory has Primary School Teacher on its list of occupations eligible for state sponsorship and if you can pass the points test (a young teacher should be able to get 60 points without much trouble), get sponsorship from that state so that you are eligible to get an invitation to apply for a 190 or 489 visa. The NT, WA and VIC have it on their lists but you'll need to check their sites to see if you meet any necessary experience and/or financial requirements. For either visa, you'll need skills assessment. For most states, you need it before you can apply for sponsorship.

http://australia.gov.au/topics/immigration/state-migration-sites State migration sites

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