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Marriage and procedure


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Hi everyone,


I'm sure this was asked so thanks in advance for reading and answering.



My fiance is coming to Australia for a month. I am on a 457 visa.



I would like to get married while she is here.


1) I would assume it's better getting married here for visa purposes than outside of Oz?


2) Do i lodge her application after we got married?


3) And if we do it at a court with a celebrant, what is the cost?


Thank you!

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1) It doesn't matter where you get married as long as the marriage is legal in the country in which it take place. The Registry Office is usually where you get married in Australia if you are in a capital city if you have no other venue in mind. In other cities and towns, contact the local Magistrates Court to see if they offer this service, not all will. A registered celebrant can marry you virtually anywhere e.g. park, private home etc.


2) If you've lived together in a marriage-like de facto relationship for at least 6 months (and have evidence to prove it), she could apply now as a subsequent entrant on your 457. Otherwise, she will have to wait until after the marriage to apply. Your employer must give permission in writing for her to be added.


3) Sorry, not idea of the cost - contact some celebrants for a quote.


One month and one day before the marriage, you must submit a Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) with the celebrant. You can complete and sign the NOIM without her if she hasn't arrived in Australia but the celebrant must have her sign it before they can perform the marriage.

http://www.ag.gov.au/FamiliesAndMarriage/Marriage/Pages/GettingmarriedinAustralia.aspx Getting married in Australia - includes link to the NOIM form

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