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Hey if anyone looks at this thank you. Ive posted on here a few times about meets see loads of views on my post but no replies.but any way here goes again Im in sydney till the 30th of this month. Well thats when my hostel booked till. Was wondering if anyone wanted to meet and travel OZ with me or go do fruit picking with me. Or just meet and go for a drink or a explore in Sydney.

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You'll find plenty of companions when you land. Just make sure you're in a decent hostel in Sydney and don't be afraid to speak to people. Even if you just ask some rubbish like 'where can I get a decent beer around here' or 'can you tell me where the supermarket is', more than likely that person will arrange to go with you and you'll be out with a bunch of people before you know it. Or put a sign on the notice board that you're looking for travel companions. If all else fails do a backpacker specific trip and your defiantly meet people and probably go for a drink with them when you get back?

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