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Worried about 190 refusal


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I am having a wobbly Sunday and wondered if anyone else out there was in the same boat or could offer any support / advice...


i applied for to WA for a 190 Visa on the 26th June, I have had my skills assessed and have enough points however I am concerned that it will be rejected due to not having enough experience. We were suprised when we got the invite to apply due to me only having 2 years post qualification experience (but I was doing the job for 2 years whilst training but not being paid) not the 3 that is required. I am so worried that we are going to get refused....but surely they would have rejected our application sooner if this was the case....wouldn't they? People are receiving their grants all around us on the spreadsheet (kermitfrog)...


we really don't have a plan b if this falls through and I have tried to remain so positive throughout but it has really hit me hard that our dream may not happen and I don't know what I am going to do.....


Thanks for listening, it's sometimes just nice to get things out of your head and written down....x

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Hi Kermitfrog,


The wait is difficult at the best of times so I feel for you. I keep on thinking that they'll consider the evidence provided for part of the 8 years we are claiming as insufficient. It's completely irrational but I think it's normal to worry when something matters so much. Your mind starts dreaming up all the worst case scenarios!


The invitation to apply is based upon the information you enter in the EOI, have you claimed for 3 years work experience?



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Hi Shelly,

Firstly thank you for replying..x

All my experience had to be put down as not related to the profession prior to my qualification on the EOI because I wasn't getting paid although realistically I have been fully competent and working the position for over 3 years which is why my MARA agent Thoth it was worth giving it a go.

Only 2 years have been claimed as related to the nominated profession which is when I qualified and started paid employment.

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You can claim points for anything from 3 years work experience up to 8 years but it's optional. If you meet the Visa's points requirement without claiming for work experience then I can't see that you have anything to worry about. It might be worth checking with your agent whether you're claiming points for 3 years work experience as you don't sound sure.


I wonder if your agent was referring to the skill assessment when talking about 3 years post qualification experience required and 'giving it a go'??

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How many years do you need?


Apologies, my question above was meant for Shelly.


Pumpkin, in response to your question I have claimed

25 points - Age

20 points - IElts

10 points - Qualification

5 points - State nomination


On the 1th March WA included a new requirement – that overseas applicants have 3 years work experience. That would normally be post-qualification, unless the assessing authority has verified the work was ‘skilled’..

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Apologies, my question above was meant for Shelly.


Pumpkin, in response to your question I have claimed

25 points - Age

20 points - IElts

10 points - Qualification

5 points - State nomination


On the 1th March WA included a new requirement – that overseas applicants have 3 years work experience. That would normally be post-qualification, unless the assessing authority has verified the work was ‘skilled’..


Surely it could have only been a problem when you applied for State Nomination then? If you've already got State Nomination granted and applied for your visa surely there's no problem?? Does your CO still think there is a risk?


If it makes you feel any better everyone around me of the 189 tracker has received a direct grant or communication from a CO too but I'm just telling myself that this is going to be MY week xx

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Apologies, my question above was meant for Shelly.


Pumpkin, in response to your question I have claimed

25 points - Age

20 points - IElts

10 points - Qualification

5 points - State nomination


On the 1th March WA included a new requirement – that overseas applicants have 3 years work experience. That would normally be post-qualification, unless the assessing authority has verified the work was ‘skilled’..


So are you currently applying for state sponsorship or are you at the visa stage then? They ae two completely different stages and you are just not being very clear.

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I am at the visa stage and to be honest I hadn't been worried until I read a post on the expat forum where someone got their grant refused due to to lack of relevant experience. He got allocated a case officer....so you see my concern especially because we literally scrapped through the other stages due to experience.


i will keep everything crossed that you receive good news this week Shelly looks like 189's are being granted a little slower than 190 but I'm sure you are next in line....x

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I'm sure you'll be fine. I think the person you saw on the expat forum was refused due to claiming points for work experience and being unable to provide adequate evidence to support it. That is completely different from your situation as you're not claiming points for work experience. When assessing the visa application they are just wanting to see appropriate evidence for the points that are claimed. It sounds like you've already gotten through the risky bit of State Nomination.


I look forward to seeing you confirm your grant really soon xxx

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