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need help in job search


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hi forum

i am waiting for my final approval as my med and pcc were sent on 6 june 2014 under category 189

i am a civil Engineer with Masters Degree in Environmental Engineering and 10 year of practical site experience in field and project management.


any help or guidance from all of you shall be highly appriciated as i am trying to apply and obtain a job to move with my family when i got approval


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You can get a feel for the market from jobsites such as seek.com.au but it is unlikely that you will secure a position until you are actually in Australia. Probably like most places for a lot of jobs it is 'who you know' that matters most so you need to get out and start networking once you land. Join Engineers Australia and go to events that they organise (I was a speaker at one :)). Use LinkedIn and get a premium account and introduce yourself to peers and potential employers - 'coffee meetings' were the way most business was done in Perth so ask people if you can meet them for coffee - most people are looking for an excuse to get out the office and no-one turns down a free coffee :)


You may need to take a lower position than you currently have just to get a foot in the door so don't limit what you are willing to do, once you have proved yourself you will progress quickly. I was earning around £100k in the UK which at the time I migrated would have been $260k in Aussie $ - I took a job paying $76k but within 9 months I was on $110k, in 5 years, although I progressed, I never got back to a salary equivalent to what I was on the UK though. I suspect you are not moving from the UK though so the salaries may seem high until the cost of living hits you!

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