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Scottish family moving interstate...Brisbane bound!


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Hi All!


Came across this site when 'googling' information about the various suburbs and schools in Brisbane. We are a family of 3 & are being relocated from Perth to Brisbane through my partners company. We have only been in Oz for 12 months so I'm, very concerned about how our son will take this news as he has settled so well here.


However, this is the right thing to do for our family & long term future in Australia. We only have 2 months to decide on a suburb & school before we make our move. Any advice (including 'steer clear' words of warning) would be amazing.


Below is our school/suburb wish list...if you know of anywhere that fits the bill (or nearly fits the bill!) please let me know:


* Suburb within catchment area for good secondary school.

* Secondary school must have an ethos where every child is valued & not just prodigies

* Secondary school must offer a wide variety of subjects & extra curricular activities (Science, Maths & Music focus preferred)

* Suburb should be no more than 30 mins commute from CBD

* Suburb should have a selection of nice coffee shops, cafes & restaurants.

* Suburb should have a friendly, community vibe.

* Suburb should have outdoor BBQ areas & beautiful surroundings.


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! :)


P.S. Our son is going into Year 5 in January...our initial focus is secondary schools as we are planning long term! Any primary school recommendations would be super...thanks! :)

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Hi Bonnielass


welcome to PIO.


Sorry I don't have any advice on Brisbane, but where did you settle in Perth?


just thinking that a few of our member know both cities well, so if you lived in xx suburb in Perth and liked/hated it, then they might be able to point you to something similar/totally different in Brisbane .


just a thought.


good luck with the move

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Thanks fifi69!


We are currently in Hillary's. To be honest didn't know very much about it before we arrived. The rental market was a nightmare when we got here & took the house out of desperation. I don't hate it, but wouldn't chose it again! :)

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Have you been to Brissie.....do you have anytime to nip over for a recccie?


Get what your saying about the Perth rental market, you arrived while it was still mad.


wish I could help, but I've only been to Brissie once.

A more cosmopolitan city, loved the vibe of New Farm .

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