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Calling All Soon 2 Be Expat Carpenters!!!! :D


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Evening to all :)


Just a little thread to throw out there to any carpenters who have emigrated on a 189 skilled sponsorship visa.


My dear old husband has his technical assessment soon as part of his skills test and is pooing enough bricks to build a house!


Has anyone done this before? Just a little heads up to know if the assessor will be sneaky and try to catch him out kinda thing or is it "looks hard but is easy" type of thing??


Many thanks and high 5's!


Sarah x :)

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My hubby applied as a joiner rather than a carpenter and did his technical interview up in Manchester. He said the bloke doing the interview was relaxed and really nice. He didn't feel like he was trying to catch him out and has said that as long as you are actually doing the trade you should have no problem whatsoever.


It's hard not to worry but tell him to have faith, they're only going to ask questions about something he does every working day of his life ;-)


Good luck and let us know how you get on xx

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Hi Sarah


My OH is a cabinet maker but did his technical assessment a couple of weeks ago, relatively similar trades. Dan said they don't try to catch you out, they really are nice and friendly and seem to be genuine. Dan's assessment took 45 minutes and that included the assessor asking him about where he wants live in Oz etc, he has been a cabinet maker for over 15 years and I think that if you have long term experience they just want to check that you know what you are on about and that all the paper documents you submitted were showing a true representation of your skills. The assessor worked through the vetassess fact sheet asking work related questions to each of the modules so all I would say is make sure you have had a good read through the fact sheet and refresh yourself with the documents you sent off for the initial paper assessment.


I am sure he will be fine, good luck



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No worries - Dan felt exactly the same, I am more worried about the IELTS :confused:


I know what you mean. My hubby was more worried about the IELTs, it took him 3 attempts to get the 7s that we needed! It's for this reason I wouldn't advice waiting until you've passed the skill assessment before booking the IELTS, just in case it takes longer than you thought to get those grades. I hated and dreaded IELTS, and it wasn't even me doing it!

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