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Any Poms at Sunshine Coast who want to go back to UK?


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Fizzybangs, Im not surprised you are felling low at the moment irrespective of where you are living you have just had what must have been a very traumatic time dealing with the health issues of your son and the fallout of a break up for your daughter. Don't be too hard on yourself. Ive just returned from a visit to the UK to our beautiful hometown...funny thing was I felt trapped in the UK for the same reason as you mentioned feeling trapped here. I love the fact that we have both the hinterland and the beaches....as I drove with my son this morning to his work on Bulcock Beach it looked absolutely wonderful chances are though we will live in the hinterland when we buy a place . I do hope you are able to make the most of the time you are here with your kids and if you fancy a little scouse banter over a cuppa just give me a shout....Im only down the road :) x

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You Need to Stop looking for other whingeing poms,and make some Aussie friends ,Our closest friends are Aussie's,the salt of the earth.you need to get over it.Reading the comments on here that The sunshine coast is the closest place to paradise.Well pommy land is the closest place to hell.Everyone i have talked to since we came back to the UK wants to leave.Now that Zero hours has been introduced.The workers here have no chance,the Tories have everyone by the balls There's no strong Unions.The Brits won't do anything for themselves.You will be suprized what is going on here,it's just not about the crac down the pub with your mates.It's ALL about the System in the UK..If Scotland votes for independence it will be the end of England.The Tories ruined this country the last time they were in office,This time they will finish it off.Britain is being taken over by Islam,and they are doing nothing about it.2-3000 British Muslim jihardies are fighting in Iraq.The Tories are letting them come back to the Uk.The home secretary says they have commited no crime in the UK.If anyone wants to bring their kids back here,from Australia IS MAD.since 2010 117 Islamic only schools have opened,they speak no English and teach no English.The Tories turn a blind eye.Hundreds of thousands of Muslims are pouring into Britain p/a.Cameron is trying to get Turkey into the EU club,and has welcomed Muslim Turks to come to Britain.Can't wait to get back to Aus and SANITY.


Like Melza I'm also interested to know where you are from. I was in the UK 3 weeks ago and didn't hear or see any of the crap you spout. Zero hour contracts are NO different to casual jobs in this country. Muslims pouring in give me a break. 82% of the 63 million are of white anglo saxon descent. It's about time that people from the UK started standing up for our country instead of dragging it through the dirt at all and every opportunity. I wonder if some major catastrophe were to befall Australia, how many of these dissenters would go running back to mother England. Furthermore, Australia isn't perfect as some of you seem to think, not by a long shot, but do you hear Australians continually slagging their country off ? No, because they have pride in Australia just like English people SHOULD have pride in their country. Wake up remove those rose tints and smell the coffee.

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