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Finally took the plunge, November 5th, Sydney.


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Hi all,


I've been seriously wanting to do my WHV for ages, and with my dad moving out it was either live alone, or travel Australia..


I chose Australia.


Me and a friend are flying into Sydney on November 5th with no plans of anything as of yet. We are both 19 and go with the flow. Both are able to drive too, with me also having a motorcycle license. I understand Sydney is expensive so we'll do what we can there and then move on.


We are both Advanced Scuba Divers, so we'll be diving everywhere we can.


Any advice & tips would be awesome.


Do you think we could book some kind of house/room share up before we even arrive or would that be hard to come by?


I think we'll travel for a month, and then work after that.


Cheers for reading, currently the nerves are setting in but I'm sure all will be good!

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