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Just activated PR, what now?


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Hi, we have just spent 3 weeks in Perth activating our PR, and are now back in the UK to sell the house, pay the credit card and save up again for our move hopefully around January 2016.


Im im just wondering, do I need to let WA know that I have activated the visa and we are back in the UK or what? How will they know when we finally move etc?


Im im thinking after 2 years we can apply for citizenship, but is that after we have actually lived there for 2 years, and if so, how do I start measuring that time?


Hope this makes since!!


Thanks Laura

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No, the states and the government do not want or need to "track" people, it isn't North Korea. :wink:You don't need to do anything.


Citizenship takes four years and you need to be in the country. You are allowed in aggregate a year out of the country out of those four years, so now you have activated your visa, you could say that your year out of the country is from January 2015 to January 2016. Then you spend three years in the country and in January 2019 you would be eligible for citizenship.

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