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Information On International Transfer Funds


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I'm planing on moving back to United kingdom (sometime early Next year). I want to transfer the money to United kingdom so then I can buy an renting property and so on, as we all know that bank transfer cost allot of money and I need helpful information on ways to transfer as cheapest and safest ways.


Thanks, PS I'm new and I might have meant more posts to posts in the up come further

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I was checking out Moneycorp! are they good?


I have not used them personally, but I have no doubt they are much better than a bank. They are also sponsors of this forum and so you can get any specific questions about their service answered.


You will hear about other services as well but as far as safety goes - if they have an office in Australia, that will mean they are regulated in Australia along with all the safeguards that go with that. All the major services operating in Australia are offshoots from the UK - except one and it has a UK operation too so no worries there.


Other things you might like to consider:


- What is the minimum amount you will want to transact? (Most have a minimum like $1000 or $2000)

- Do you want online or phone based service? (Some only do phone and for large amount this is a better idea for you too)


There is much more I could say about getting the best rate and service for specific needs but if you answer these questions it will go a long way to ensuring you end up with a service that will work well for you.

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Guest The Pom Queen
I was checking out Moneycorp! are they good?

Hi and welcome to the forum, we used Moneycorp to move the money from our house and they were excellent. In fact I am yet to see a bad word about them. Have a chat with John in the Moneycorp section.

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Guest John from Moneycorp
It seems that the Moneycorp, telephone number does not exist (0800 410 1537) I am phoning from Oz and it's seems to be an British number. What i'm a missing.


The Moneycorp phone number if outside the UK is - +44 20 7589 3000


Alternatively, please send me a private message and I can ask one of the team to call you.





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