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Shipping household items to Oz from UK


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We are planning to move out to Brisbane in Feb 15 and just wanted some guidance on shipping beds!! We have 2 young children and the eldest needs to move into her toddler bed although the other one is outgrowing his cot so may need the cot bed sooner. Can you ship out beds and mattresses - concerned that there may be a charge to ensure no bed bugs are brought over!! I may be worrying for no reason but just wanted an idea on whether we should bring or leave all of the beds here!! Out of interest what's the typical cost of children's beds out there with a good mattress? What shop would you recommend which I could look at on line?


Sorry so many questions!!

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You can ship mattresses and beds out but be aware that bedding sizes are different. Beds can be as cheap or expensive as you want them to be. Look on Super A Mart or IKEA Australia for ideas of prices. If you do decide to bring beds, you will have to bring mattresses as Aus mattresses won't fit and you will have to bring a good supply of bedding too so that you have sheets etc., that fit your mattresses, duvets and pillows.

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