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How to obtain an original copy of my Skill Assessment


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Respectable experts,


I got my skill assessed from ACS through an immigration agent and got positive assessment. Unfortunately, after that my consultant/agent added long (unnecessary) delays in proceeding of my case and preparing things. They even unable to submit my EOI for several months and for that I am not happy with their services at all. But the problem is, they have my original positive skill assessment letter which they don't willing to provide as they wanted me to stick with them. On my multiple requests, they've only provided a PDF copy of my positive skill assessment letter but with their company name watermark/stamp on the text on both the pages. But all the text is still readable (including dates, reference number addresses etc.)


My question is, if I start my case by my own, will I be able to use that skill assessment letter (with a couple of watermarks on it)? What problems/difficulties I could face in this regard? Is there any way to obtain the original?


Otherwise, it would cost me another AUD 500,- to get my skills assessed again. Moreover, I will have to wait for another 3 or 4 months which could result in loosing my age points :-(


I would really appreciate your kind opinions and help.


Best regards

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