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Packing today


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Hello Everyone,


Firstly, sorry mods, I have posted a similar thread in the moving section but I am in need of rapid responses, so please would it be ok to leave it here for a bit?





I am in need of a little advice regarding packing my stuff for shipping on a container.


I have a large boxes of vinyl records in a flight case, should I lock it? I want to lock it to prevent theft, but till customs want to open it? Can I be there when they open it?


Although 2 years old, we have some wedding presents still boxed (we new we were going to be moving to OZ), we are unpacking it all to look used, is this really necessary?


Is it possible to be there when the container gets opened in OZ?


A nice guitar is being transported with me on the plane (in the hold with other peoples suite cases), I intend to wrap the whole thing in bubble wrap, its lockable, I want to lock it but will customs bust it open to take a look inside as it goes through customs at Singapore to change planes and then in OZ? I really want to lock it.


Any advice most welcome.




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Hey PW1,

On your packaging, If customs finds reason to open the container, they will do it in your absence. If they find reason to open your locked flight cases, they will definitely break open the locks.

A little off the subject but hope you don't mind me asking. I notice you might be in the IT profession like myself. So where are you moving to? Do you have any prospects, leads or opportunities yet for IT Employment?



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Hello, I guess I'll have to leave things open then, that makes my very uncomfortable. No, I do not have any leads yet, to be honest I didn't think it was worth applying for anything until I was onshore. I did start a 'The IT Field thread' over at jobs and careers, its a sticky at the top. I'm off to Sydney. PM me about your situation, I'll check back in a bit.




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