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Questions for Carpenters/ Joiners


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I'm a carpenter who is moving over from the UK in August. I've swapped all my 110v tools to 240v over the last few months.

After my van was broken into I found out that Paslode nail guns are different in the UK to those that are sold in Oz. It's something t do with how the gas connects to the gun and that Oz gas will not fit UK nail guns. Is this the same for the 2nd fix pin guns?

Any other things that I may of overlooked with regards to power tools?

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Thanks for the replies guys but I'm a little confused now. A couple of weeks back some thieving scrote broke into my van and had away with a load of power tools. As a result I had to replace some straight away as I needed them.

My local merchants know I'm leaving very soon and told me not to bother buying any Paslode stuff here as they are different in Oz and would need converting, which by the way is very expensive as the head of the framing nailing needs to be replaced.


They got a framing nailer out of the repairs section to show me, some lad had just come back to the UK from NZ and the part where the gas fit in, i.e. the nozzle part was totally different. Now they are very pushy when it comes to selling tools as thats what they do and for them to say wait until you get to Oz and buy there is very strange if things are the same, and if they are the same then what the hell did that lad bring back from NZ?

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I have been in touch with Paslode and they are doing a new model in Oz, something about fast fix gas and that is the gun that I have seen! The old gas is still available and will be for a long time they say, so thanks for the replies guys.

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