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Where to live for schools and hospital close to kellor park


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Hi all,


Should be getting my 457 visa through soon, and will be moving out to Melbourne. We are a family of 4 wi a dog (cocker spaniel) and we plan on hoteling it for a couple of weeks while we are looking for rentals and the dog is in quarantine. My job will be in Kellor park just outside of Melbourne Int airport and we want to live around 30 - 40 mins away from Kellor park. We found a location around Point cook\sanctuary lakes but not sure if there are any good schools for 8 and 13 year olds or a hospital for my wife. The reason we looked at these 2 places because we want a modern house near the water, and will also be looking to buy in the near future. Didn't want to go too close to the city so choose to go south. Can anyone make any suggestions to any good areas or any info about point cook or Sanctuary lakes or maybe somewhere closer to Kellor park that would suit a modern family, close to good schools and maybe a hospital.....



Shayneb and family

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Point Cook is a fair way from the airport as you are relying on the Western Ring Road, which can be very congested. It is a drive that perhaps looks better on paper. However, if you will be working shifts or irregular hours it may work well for you.


Unfortunately a large house near the water in Melbourne will really cost you. Depending on budget look at Altona perhaps as houses in Williamstown will probably be beyond your budget if you are looking at Point Cook.

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