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SkillSelect email


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A little confused. I have just received two emails from no-reply@skillselect.gov.au saying i have a new message in my mail box, but when i log in there is no new messages.


Not only that, my EOI is now suspended as I have been invited to apply for the actual visa, so I checked my immiaccount too, no new messages there either.


Has anyone had similar or received any Spam mail of a similar look?



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Hi Paul,


My OH got one and when I logged in there was nothing. I cant even find a mailbox to click onto????




Me too Jackie


I have emailed their support line, but I'm going to assume there is either a technical issue or it was a spam mail.

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I did wonder if the message on the front page saying that the system will be down on the 21/6/14 was infact the message??

Let me know if you hear from them please.




I got two of the same and presumed it was also the system down message like j19jjr, must be something in it if were all getting a email but no message

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